

What Is Concealed Carry Defensive Tactics?

Our Concealed Carry Defensive Tactics 4.5-hour course is designed to teach individuals how to safely and effectively use a concealed handgun for self-defense. The courses will be run by two Expert Level Krav Maga Worldwide certified instructors who are also certified USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Firearm Instructors. This course will cover a range of topics, including:

  1. Legal considerations: A good concealed carry course will cover the laws and regulations governing the use of a handgun for self-defense in your state or region. This may include information on when it is legally justified to use a handgun in self-defense, and the potential legal consequences of using a handgun in self-defense.

  2. Safety: A key component of any concealed carry course is safety training. This may include lessons on how to handle and store a handgun safely, as well as how to safely carry a handgun while it is concealed.

  3. Marksmanship: In order to effectively use a handgun for self-defense, it is important to have good marksmanship skills. A concealed carry course will typically include training on proper grip, stance, and trigger control to help students develop their shooting skills.

  4. Defensive tactics: A concealed carry course will also teach students how to use their handgun in a defensive situation. This may include lessons on how to draw and present a handgun from concealment, how to take cover and use cover effectively, and how to properly use a handgun in close quarters.

  5. Stress management: One of the biggest challenges of using a handgun for self-defense is managing the stress and adrenaline that comes with a potentially life-threatening situation. A good concealed carry course will teach students how to manage their emotions and stay focused under pressure.

In addition to these core topics, a concealed carry defensive tactics course may also cover other topics such as first aid, emergency planning, and the psychological aftermath of a defensive shooting.


-21+ to take the course

-Meets all requirements for MD “Wear and Carry"

-Wear jeans or tactical pants

-Wear clean sneakers

-Wear a sturdy belt 1.5” in height

-Bring food for a 30-minute break

To inquire and enroll for this course, please call (443) 864-5256 or click the link below.


*Krav Maga Maryland members, please inquire at the front desk for a special rate.


$189 (Non-Krav Maga Maryland member)

$149 (Krav Maga Maryland member)

Rich D. ★★★★★

“The information up front in the classroom portion was very valuable. All the basics of firearm safety and use were covered and drilled thoroughly.

Where this class really shined was in the stress drills. Information provided upfront was put to the test on the back end of the class, and it was clear how much adrenaline and heart rate impact coordination and proficiency under stress. Everything tied together, from de-escalation to creating space, drawing technique, shooting under stress, and the immediate aftermath (using the phone under stress, communicating clearly, etc.).

Of course, figuring out how to do this all safely and in a controlled environment was paramount. This was a unique opportunity in terms of both education and training; everyone at all skill levels walked away with something significant.”

Brady O.

“The concealed carry course was awesome. I own several firearms and attending this course gave me new insights on how to be a responsible gun owner especially when it comes to concealed carry. The course not only highlighted the risks and rules that comes with concealed carry but also the different steps of escalation/de-escalation and the use of deadly force as the very last step or option. The course also gave me new knowledge on how to create space between myself and the attacker/s while carrying and how to put the different steps aforementioned into motion.”

Christian O. ★★★★★

“The CCDT course was well-planned and carried out by Jeremy and Kyle. They have provided clear-cut information regarding firearm responsibility, safety and concealed carry. I got the most out of the seminar through their firearm training with the addition of self-defense drills to understand how to handle dynamic situations before, during, and after they occurred. I am planning to take more of their seminars in the future to continue retaining the information learned from the session and to enhance my knowledge and understanding as a Krav practitioner.”

Victor S.

“I will say that that class was AWESOME. From defending yourself from an attacker with a weapon to learning how to be a responsible gun carrier and shooting under stressful situations. Teaching beginners how to handle a gun. The instructors gave a well put together course. I am looking forward to more training.”

Jim L.

“This course is essential training for anyone who concealed carries a firearm or is considering it. The instructors did a great job of covering the basics of safely operating a firearm and the fundamentals of shooting while drawing from a holster. But, it's the more advanced drills in this course that really shine and teach how to employ a firearm under stress in more realistic attack scenarios. Concealed carry is a huge responsibility, and this course provides invaluable training to become knowledgeable, proficient, and capable of doing this safely. Thank you for all the effort that went into designing this unique and amazing training!”

Andra H. ★★★★★

“The course was very informative, well-planned and executed. It was my first time handling firearms, but the instructors were extremely helpful and provided assistance anytime I needed it. After this course, I feel more comfortable with handling firearms and being able to defend myself if I ever chose to conceal carry.”

Kevin K.

“The class was excellent. It was well organized and delivered with professionalism and in an enthusiastic manner. I would highly recommend it to experienced gun owners as well as newcomers.”